14 November 2023

In the governing bodies of the main media GDF asset – Inter TV channel (Inter Media Group) –changes of Supervisory Board and Board of Directrs occurred

We inform that on November 15 in the governing bodies of the main television asset of Group DF – Inter TV channel (Inter Media Group)  changes occured. In particular, Anna Bezlyudnaya’s powers  as a member of  Supervisory Board of TV channel “Inter” were terminated. Group DF Сompany highly evaluates work achievements of  Anna Bezlyudnaya. Anna Bezlyudnaya will continue cooperation with a company at the level of Group DF media – the main Group DF company in media business​.

Also powers of Ekaterina Shkuratova as Chairman of Board of Directors of TV channel Inter were terminated. The company is grateful to Ekaterina Shkuratova for many years of fruitful work. Ekaterina Shkuratova will continue to work in a new media international project of the company.

Other details about  changes of  Supervisory Board and Board of Directors you can read in the official message of Inter press service.