15 February 2013

Supervisory and Management Boards of INTER Television Channel have been formed

Inter_234x151The meeting of shareholders of INTER TV Channel JSC, held on Thursday, elected a new Supervisory Board. The new Management Board of the channel was also appointed.


The interests of the majority shareholder in the Supervisory Board are represented by: Boris Krasnyansky (Chairman of the Supervisory Board), who will be responsible for financial, legal and corporate affairs, Ganna Bezliudna – responsible for the strategy and development of the television business, Robert Shetler-Jones – Director of GDF MEDIA. The minority shareholders in the Supervisory Board are represented by: Dmitry Orlov (First Channel JSC), Myroslava Karayeva (Pegasus Television LLC).


Ganna Bezliudna was also appointed Inter Media Group’s Director of Development. She is authorized by the shareholders to manage the media business and to ensure the development of the media assets of the Group.


The newly elected Supervisory Board appointed the new Management Board of the INTER TV Channel. Yegor Benkendorf became Chairman of the Management Board. The Management Board includes Anton Nikitin, who was also appointed Editor-in-Chief of the channel, Iryna Ionova, who was appointed Creative Producer, Andriy Dolgopyatov, appointed as Executive Director of the channel, and Oleksiy Romaniuta, who was appointed Chief Financial Officer.

Commenting on the appointment, Ganna Bezliudna, Inter Media Group’s Director of Development and Member of the Supervisory Board of INTER TV Channel, said: ‘The global media sector, including television, demonstrates dynamic development and growth. We see great potential for growth in the Ukrainian TV sector, and we are committed to maintaining INTER TV Channel and Inter Media Group’s leadership on the TV market, as well as developing and strengthen them as businesses. The Management Board members are professionals, and our common objective is development of INTER TV Channel as a business.’


Yevgeny Kiselev was appointed Director of the National Information Systems, which produces the News, Podrobnosti, Podrobnosti Nedeli television programmes for INTER TV Channel.


Inter Media Group is one of the leading media groups on the television market of Ukraine. Created in 2005, this media group includes INTER, INTER+, NTN, K1, Mega, Enter Film, K2, Pixel, MTV Ukraine TV channels and other media assets.