10 April 2014

Rivne Azot increased its ammonia and calcium ammonia nitrate production in Q1 2014

RivneRivne Azot, a part of OSTCHEM holding, increased its production of liquid ammonia by 0.92% – from 117,695 to 118,778 tons in Q1 2014 compared to Q1 2013. The company also increased its production of calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) by 2.14% – from 127,588 to 130,320 tons. At the same time, ammonium nitrate production decreased by 4.14% – from 144,281 to 138,309 tons.


“In Q1 2014 we produced 85,124 tons of mineral fertilizers expressed in 100% nutrients. The total volume of sales exceeded UAH 638.23 million,” explained Mykhailo Zabluda, Head of the Board of Rivne Azot PJSC.


Rivne Azot develops its production programme based on demand of the mineral fertilizers market and requirements of Ukrainian and foreign customers.


“The implementation of a number of investment projects at OSTCHEM’s producers allowed us to adjust their production programs. For instance, if we see an increase in the demand for calcium ammonia nitrate, we expand the output of this product,” explained Oleksandr Khalin, General Director of OSTCHEM.


In 2013, OSTCHEM invested around UAH 179 million in modernization of Rivne Azot. As a result, the company managed to build a new and up-to-date storage facility, renovated two non-concentrated nitric acid units, as well as implementing an innovative distributed control system for ammonia production.


Rivne Azot’s products are in demand both on the domestic and international markets. Since the beginning of 2014, the company has been selling all of its liquid ammonia and 75% of ammonium nitrate on the Ukrainian market. During that period, about 55% of CAN was sold abroad. The main export destinations countries were Poland, Hungary, Australia and Malaysia.