03 April 2023

OSTCHEM helps scientists save a unique collection of microorganisms

Nitrogen holding OSTCHEM purchased two generators for the Institute of Microbiology and Virology named after D.K. Zabolotniy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.



Purchase of generators will enable the Institute to preserve a unique collection of microorganism strains which due to interruptions with electricity supply has become endangered. The collection includes more than 9 thousand samples and is registered in the State Register of Scientific Objects with the status of  national treasure of Ukraine. On its basis scientists conduct fundamental researches, developing new biotechnologies in industry, agriculture, health care and in the field of environmental protection. Purchased generators will provide a stable supply of electricity which is the necessary condition for preservation of microorganisms and continuation of scientists’ researches.


Sergey PAVLYUCHUK, head of nitrogen business, OSTCHEM.

“Supporting of scientists is the important activity of OSTCHEM. These are  precisely the innovative developments of scientists that lead to future development and competitiveness in international markets.

According to him the decision to help the Institute was made by the shareholder  and cooperation with the Institute will only intensify over time.


Support of science, education and medicine has always been one of priority strains of corporate social responsibility of Group DF companies. In particular Ostchem is one of the partners of European project STEM: professions of  future, aimed at popularizing of engineering and technical professions. Previously chemists supported conducting of  All-Ukrainian School Chemistry Contests, used to buy modern equipment for school chemical laboratories and provided special scholarships for Chemistry teachers.


Nikolay SPIVAK , Director of the Institute

“We believe in the beginning of a powerful collaboration between OSTHEM and our scientists. The institute has promising innovative developments which have no analogues in the world. They can give a new impetus to the development of the entire chemical industry, plant production and animal husbandry in Ukraine. It is very important that the leading national chemical company is interested in preserving our developments and supporting innovations.”


Institute of Microbiology and Virology named after D.K. Zabolotny National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is the largest and leading scientific institution in Ukraine in the field of microbiology, virology and microbial biotechnology which is engaged in fundamental researches of systematics, physiology, biochemistry, genetics and ecology of different groups of bacteria, microscopic fungi and viruses as well as the development of  scientific basis of biotechnological preparations and processes based on microorganisms for agricultural industry, medicine, veterinary medicine and environmental protection.