Modernization of basic workshops is aimed at improving safety and energy efficiency
PJSC “Rivneazot” which is a part of Group DF nitrogen business enterprises, launched ammonium nitrate and ammonia workshops after large-scale modernization. Production capacity of workshops : Ammonia-2 – 1,350 t/day, ammonium nitrate – 1,560 t/day.
“Start of production took place without failures in accordance with production plan. An active autumn season awaits us,” – said Mykhailo Zabluda, Chairman of Board of PJSC “Rivneazot”.
The resumption of work of key workshops was preceded by a large-scale modernization of the main equipment in the Ammonia-2 workshop: major repairs of synthesis gas preparation unit No. 1, ammonia synthesis No. 1 and No. 2, replacement of equipment for more efficient one, works on anti-corrosion protection of natural gas conversion reactor gas. In the course of these works the efficiency of energy and cost indicators of ammonia production equipment was significantly increased.
A large-scale reconstruction of the main equipment was also carried out in the ammonium nitrate workshop – one of the main production workshops of ” Rivneazot “. In the workshop the pipes in the evaporator (721 units) were completely replaced , the nitric acid heater was repaired and the conveyor equipment was restored, the equipment was anti-corrosion protected, and the internal devices of two ITNs were extensively reconstructed. Alsothe safety and reliability of production was significantly increased, the energy efficiency of processes was improved, and the indicators of equipment reliability and stability were improved.
Mykhailo Zabluda, Chairman of Board of PJSC “Rivneazot”:
The shareholder of the enterprise continues to modernize industrial sites of the plant. It is important for us to ensure the stable operation of our plant during war. Having experience in working under conditions of power outages we concentrated on increasing energy efficiency and stability of our plant. We managed to significantly optimize the production of ammonia and ammonium nitrate, as well as increase the safety and efficiency of production. Currently we are preparing for autumn increase in demand for mineral fertilizers.