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“Rivneazot” completed modernization in non-concentrated nitric acid and Ammonia-2 workshops

PJSC “Rivneazot” which is part of the Group DF nitrogen business enterprises has completed the modernization of industrial equipment in non-concentrated nitric acid and Ammonia-2 workshops. Scheduled repair work started on July 25, 2022. In non-concentrated nitric acid workshop the overhaul of  turbo-generator unit was completed, as well as the overhaul of unit No. 6, with  capacity of 120,000 tons of non-concentrated nitric acid per year. In Ammonia-2 workshop the overhaul of the gas synthesis preparation unit with capacity of more than 650 tons of ammonia/day was completed.


“Business experiences great difficulties now. The income of enterprise is falling down  due to a significant decrease in the demand for fertilizers from farmers. Fertilizers have become more expensive due to increase in prices for the main raw material – gas. However we continue the planned modernization of key industrial sites. Overhauls have been completed, the workshops are ready for launch,” comments Mykhailo Zabluda, Chairman of  Board of PJSC “Rivneazot”.

According to him  loading of key workshops and  range of products will depend on the price and availability of gas and on the solvent demand for nitrogen fertilizers from farmers as well as foreign buyers.

“The key workshops of the enterprise are technically prepared for autumn season. We are a part of  Ostchem holding  and  work of our enterprise must correspond to the general strategy of Group DF nitrogen business,” Zabluda says.

The capacity of ammonia shop 2 is 650 tons of ammonia/day.

The capacity of  nitric acid plant is 960,000 tons of nitric acid per year.

Last year PJSC “Rivneazot” carried out a large-scale modernization of unit No. 8 in the workshop for the production of unconcentrated nitric acid. 

In 2021 the plant produced 964,000 tons of mineral fertilizers, which exceeded the indicators of the previous year by 15.2%. The enterprise has increased the volume of production of almost all types of fertilizers. In particular in 2021 “Rivneazot” produced: 555.7 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate (-2.09%); 8.5 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate in the form of float (+14%); 348.6 thousand tons of lime-ammonium nitrate (+62.37%), as well as 51.6 thousand tons of ammonia water (+9.4%).