[1]Crimean Soda Plant PJSC, part of Group DF, has renovated the Palace of Culture for the City of Krasnoperekopsk. While totally overhauling it, the specialists from Crimean Soda Plant and contractor companies fully reconstructed the palace facade, lobby and roof, replaced windows and doors, and installed new heating and air-conditioning systems.
According to Vladislav Shmelkov, Crimean Soda Plant Board Chairman, the large and small halls of the palace have also been completely overhauled. In particular, all spectator seats were replaced, modern sound and lighting equipment was installed, and the stage and scenery were built in the concert halls. “We expect that about 150,000 persons will visit the new palace annually. We are very grateful to the Crimean Soda Plant and Group DF for helping the city. Such assistance proves that the Ukrainian business is getting socially focused,” said Krasnoperekopsk Mayor Taras Filipchuk during the opening ceremony at the Palace of Culture.
Domus Project, an architecture and construction company from Dnepropetrovsk, was the general contractor for this project. According to Vladislav Shmelkov, the project budget was more than UAH 30 million. “I’m sure it’s a good investment improving the quality of life of city residents. Creating more comfortable living conditions improves performance. There are many studies showing that a happier individual works more productively. I am confident that the new Palace of Culture and the central square will not just make our city more beautiful. This place will become the favourite place to go to for the city residents,” said Vladislav Shmelkov.
Krasnoperekopsk Palace of Culture was built in 1972 and has not been renovated for over 20 years. Dmytro Firtash, owner of Group DF, decided to refurbish the Palace of Culture in Krasnoperekopsk when he met with the city residents in April 2012. At that time, Firtash, Vladislav Shmelkov and Taras Filipchuk signed a cooperation and social partnership memorandum. The Palace of Culture was renovated as part of this memorandum. The palace will house 32 children clubs and 22 art groups. It has 17 rooms outfitted for various groups of interest, a gym and a dance hall, a chess club, and two new concert halls each having 780 seats. These facilities will enable the city to hold more than two hundred activities for various age groups.
Earlier, Crimean Soda Plant helped Krasnoperekopsk to renovate the Khimik city stadium.
Crimean Soda Plant PJSC is part of Group DF, a diversified international group of companies, since 2004. The plant is the only Ukrainian manufacturer and exporter of soda ash of A and B grades. Soda is supplied to Europe, Asia, America and Africa. The company also produces Siayvo detergent, household chemical products, construction lime, and edible salt. In 2013, the company plans to start the production of baking soda and become the only manufacturer of this product in Ukraine.
The Preserve Your City program was initiated by Dmitry Firtash, the owner of Group DF, in 2011. Its goal is to improve social standards in the cities where Group DF has its industrial operations. The program covers such areas as supporting city infrastructure, constructing and refurbishing cultural, educational and sports facilities, housing and roads, reconstructing water supply and sewage networks, and improving city transport infrastructure.
As part of the Preserve Your City program, Azot PJSC (part of Group DF) has completely renovated the Palace of Culture and the central square in Cherkassy City. Crimea Titan JSC (part of Group DF) supported the construction of a new culture centre and outpatient clinic, as well as renovation of several residential buildings, schools and other infrastructure facilities in Armiansk. Group DF has provided funding for over 10 community facilities in Armiansk and Krasnoperekopsk through its industrial companies.