Gas Business

Investments in the natural gas distribution business are currently one of the most promising directions of the Group’s development.

Group DF intends to become a portfolio investor in a number of regional gas distribution companies in Ukraine.


Group DF declared on a number of occasions its intention to consolidate gas distribution assets in order to increase the efficiency of their management. The consolidation will allow providing higher-quality service for end consumers of gas, including businesses, utility providers, government institutions as well as Ukrainian people.


We have essential experience and knowledge in gas industry, so we suppose that consolidation will also result in attraction of additional investments in the industry. These investments will enable implementation of numerous projects including ones aimed to enhance security for gas consumers and comply with EU standards in gas industry.




Group DF`s strategy in gas distribution, as well as in other businesses, envisages significant investments in this industry in order to build a business capable of transforming gas industry.


We are convinced that improvements in management system and implementation of the best world practices in corporate management will allow enhancing investment inflow to gas distribution industry as well as resulting in significant increase of asset capitalization.

The Group plans to develop this business area while expanding the portfolio of its own assets. 
